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Are You Eligible?

If you are planning to undergo routine screening for lung cancer, you may be eligible to participate in this study. In order to qualify, participants must:

  • Have an increased risk of lung cancer, including having at least a 20 pack/year* smoking history and currently smoke OR have quit smoking within the past 15 years.
  • Be between 50 and 80 years old
  • Are undergoing or intend to undergo a low dose CT scan of the chest for lung cancer screening
  • Are willing to consent to the investigational blood draw during index low dose CT scan screening visit and before any invasive procedures or treatment for lung cancer diagnosis
  • Are willing to consent to a 1-year, 2-year, and additional follow-up per protocol
  • Additional criteria may apply

*Pack/year smoking history:
This is calculated by the number of packs you smoke per day, multiplied by how long you have smoked.

a = "I smoke 2 packs a day"
b = "I have been smoking for 15 years"
a x b = "I have a 30 pack/year smoking history